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This Special Edition of Documenta is dedicated to the Parliament of Practices (PoP), a platform for generative knowledge exchange, based on dialogical forms and devised tactics, initiated by Marije Nie and Adriana La Selva in 2020. Cross Pollination, a nomadic laboratory for the dialogue in-between practices, founded by Adriana La Selva and Marije Nie in 2017. Cross Pollination features a core group of seven practitioners from different artistic backgrounds, who have over the past six years developed a shared studioness, an ability to collaborate on performative research projects that elaborate upon the legacy of the twentieth century theater laboratory. PoP expanded upon CrossPollination’s laboratory practices, transposing these to a broader social context, engaging a range of different artists and researchers in horizontal modes of knowledge exchange and creative dialogue. In many ways, this special issue acts as a discursive iteration of PoP: articles have, for the most part, been written dialogically or focus on the ways in which (performative) dialogue generates novel forms of knowledge.


How to Cite: La Selva, A. & Campbell, P. (2023) “Editorial”, Documenta. 41(1). doi: