BLENDER. Een onstuimige ode aan ontmoeting en experiment: 5 theaterwerkplaatsen, 5 jonge makers en 25 enthousiaste jongeren door de blender
- Rune Wittouck
Blender noun [C] (MACHINE) an electric machine used in the kitchen for breaking down foods or making smooth liquid substances from soft foods and liquids; blender noun [C] (CREATOR) a person or company that blends (= combines) different ingredients or types of something to make a product such as wine, tea, or perfume; blender noun [S] (PROJECT) a research process of 5 young theatre makers, who enter into a dialogue with each other and with 25 youngsters, organized and supported by 5 theatre workspaces for young people. The project ran from September 2023 to July 2024.
Keywords: blender, theaterwerkplaats
How to Cite:
Wittouck, R., (2025) “BLENDER. Een onstuimige ode aan ontmoeting en experiment: 5 theaterwerkplaatsen, 5 jonge makers en 25 enthousiaste jongeren door de blender ”, Documenta 42(2): 5, 93–114. doi:
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