
1244 results

Slapstick in Italië: de receptie in filmtijdschriften en distributie gedurende het interbellum

Sofie Frederix

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 9–31

Woord vooraf

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 3–6

From critical manifesto to transformative genderplay: feminist Futurist and Dadaist strategies countering the misogyny within the historical avant-gardes

Sophie Doutreligne

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 32–62

Labor and Aesthetics in European Contemporary Dance. Dancing Precarity

Dunja Njaradi

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 247–249

Intieme dramaturgie in tijden van Covid-19

Jade De Baere and Karlijn Clocheret

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 175–191

Zeventiende-eeuws rederijkerstheater in het onderwijs: De klas (van ASO tot BSO) speelt Genoveva

Sofie Moors

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 224–241

In reprise. Tweeëntwintig Nederlandse en Vlaamse toneelstukken om opnieuw te bekijken

Sophie van den Bergh

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 243–246

Blue Sky Body, Thresholds for Embodied Research

Guy Cools

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 250–253

Samen Alleen. De sector ontwaakt uit haar zomerslaap

Ans Van Gasse

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 192–207

Dit is de tussentijd & Rituals For Refugees

Barbara Raes and Margot Van Gysel

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 208–223

Tivoli – Negotiating Directory Society in the Public Pleasure Garden 1797-1798

Ane Cornelia Pade

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 64–91

(Ver)dwalen in de stad als weefsel: een dramaturgische reflectie over de stad, het weven en het dwalen

Julie Behaegel

2020-06-30 Volume 38 • Issue 2 • 2020 • 92–116

No Time for caution. De geluidswering in Interstellar.

Elizabeth Tack

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 22–37

Fotograf. Een podcast

Katharina Smets

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 120–121

Introduction to a phenomenological approach to sound and listening

Martine Huvenne

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 11–21


Anouk De Clercq

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 122–141

Towards Gendered Listening. Questions, exercises and reflections

Anna Raimondo

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 154–161

The touch of sound, more than a metaphor: the inscription of the listening body in the corporeality of a group

Leonie Persyn

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 62–77

Linking embodied coordination dynamics and subjective experiences in musical interactions: a renewed methodological paradigm

Bavo Van Kerrebroeck, Mattia Rosso and Pieter-Jan Maes

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 38–60

Ce qui précède voir

Inge van den Kroonenberg

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 106–114

Thinking-through-Media: The Genius Loci from Artistic Research

Krien Clevis

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 78–104

Bernaerts, Lars & Bluijs, Siebe (red.). Luisterrijk der letteren: Hoorspel en literatuur in Nederland en Vlaanderen.

Steff Nellis

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 165–168

Thinking-through-Media: The Genius Loci from Artistic Research

Krien Clevis

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 118–119

Listening out for the Ambiguity of Unreliable Things

Salomé Voegelin

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 142–153


Leonie Persyn

2020-02-27 Volume 38 • Issue 1 • 2020 • Sound and Listening • 3–8