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Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 42, Issue 2, 2024 and Volume 43, Issue 2, 2024) - Toneelstof V & VI

Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 42, Issue 2, 2024 and Volume 43, Issue 2, 2024) - Toneelstof V & VI

Posted by Posted by Steff Nellis on 2024-01-16 © "Infini 1-15", Jozef Wouters/Decoratelier (Photo: Phile Deprez) on 2024-01-17

CFP Documenta – Toneelstof V & VIIssue editor: Jasper Delbecke (LUCA School of Arts/Ghent University) Between 2007 and 2010, Toneelstof appeared in Documenta: tijdschrift voor theater. This four-part series was the result of a three-year heritage project initiated by Thersites (Association of Flemish Theatre Critics). Toneelstof emerged as ‘the result of [...]

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