
Documenta (ISSN 0771-8640) is an important forum for the study of theater in the Low Countries. It is a bi-annual journal that accommodates in-depth, scholarly contributions on all aspects of theater, as well as essays and critical reflections. Although the main proportion of articles in Documenta focuses on theater and performance, contributions relating to music, film and New Media are also considered, as far as they relate to the performing arts.

The journal was founded in 1983 by Jozef De Vos in the bosom of the Ghent Documentation Center for Dramatic Art. Since 2015, Documenta has been published by S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media) of the Department of Theater Studies at Ghent University. The editorial board is composed of theater scholars from various universities and colleges. Chief editors are Christel Stalpaert and Bram Van Oostveldt.

Documenta became a fully open access, online-only journal as of 2023. 
Read more about the journal's history in this article by Steff Nellis.


Interinstitutional partners: VUB-CLIC and KASK, School of Arts.
Published with the support of the University Foundation of Belgium. 

Postal address chief editors: S:PAM (Studies in Performing Arts & Media) – Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B4 – 9000 Gent – Belgium