
Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 43, Issue 1, 2025) | Milo Rau - Comparative Lenses

Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 43, Issue 1, 2025) | Milo Rau - Comparative Lenses

Posted by Documenta on 2024-07-16

Guest editor: Lily Climenhaga, In 2009, Swiss-German theatre-maker Milo Rau stormed onto Western European mainstages with the premiere of the first production of his then recently founded production company, the International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), The Last Days of the Ceausescus. Since 2009, Rau has gained international prominence for his brand of [...]

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Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 42, Issue 2, 2024 and Volume 43, Issue 2, 2024) - Toneelstof V & VI

Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 42, Issue 2, 2024 and Volume 43, Issue 2, 2024) - Toneelstof V & VI

Posted by Posted by Steff Nellis on 2024-01-16 © "Infini 1-15", Jozef Wouters/Decoratelier (Photo: Phile Deprez) on 2024-01-17

CFP Documenta – Toneelstof V & VIIssue editor: Jasper Delbecke (LUCA School of Arts/Ghent University) Between 2007 and 2010, Toneelstof appeared in Documenta: tijdschrift voor theater. This four-part series was the result of a three-year heritage project initiated by Thersites (Association of Flemish Theatre Critics). Toneelstof emerged as ‘the result of [...]

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Documenta 41.2 is out!

Documenta 41.2 is out!

Posted by Steff Nellis on 2023-12-22

Have yourself a merry little… brand new Documenta isse! Documenta 41.2 (2023) is out!This special issue of Documenta: journal for theater delves into the reciprocal relationship between ‘Theater and Law’, establishing an interdisciplinary space for justice that transcends conventional legal boundaries. In contrast to traditional, rigid judicial frameworks that revolve around accusing and [...]

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Documenta 41.1 is out!

Documenta 41.1 is out!

Posted by Steff Nellis on 2023-11-17

Het nieuwste themanummer: Documenta 41.1 (2023)We are happy to announce that from now on, Documenta is a fully open-access, online journal, making the research at S:PAM more widely accessible. Enjoy! We zijn blij te kunnen aankondigen dat Documenta vanaf nu een volledig open-access, online tijdschrift is, waardoor het onderzoek bij S:PAM breder toegankelijk wordt. Veel leesplezier! This Special [...]

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Deadline Extended

Deadline Extended

Posted by Steff Nellis on 2023-07-24

Summer extension for the Dance + New Tech issue!

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Documenta 40.2 is out!

Documenta 40.2 is out!

Posted by Steff Nellis on 2023-05-09

The second issue of 2022 is finally here! This latest edition features contributions from Rosa van Kollem, Marie Peeters, Eléa De Winter, Lena Vercauteren, Marthe De Ruysscher, Steff Nellis, Remi Cosijn, Rojda Gülüzar Karakuş, Eline Van den Broeck, Klaas Tindemans, and Joachim Ben Yakoub. Enjoy reading!

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Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 42, Issue 1, 2024) | Dance and New Tech

Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 42, Issue 1, 2024) | Dance and New Tech

Posted by Steff Nellis on 2023-04-28

DANCE AND NEW TECH. A.I., VR, MoCap, Blockchain and the new frontiers we are designing for the field.What are the new frontiers we expect for dance to break through, to draw from, to reiterate, to simulate? Alongside this, what are the new frameworks that we need to account for such transformations? The digitization of dance or dance data is challenging the conceptual frameworks championed [...]

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Documenta 40.1 (2022) - Marianne Van Kerkhoven

Documenta 40.1 (2022) - Marianne Van Kerkhoven

Posted by Steff Nellis on 2022-12-08

Marianne Van Kerkhoven heeft als dramaturge een unieke plaats in het podiumkunstenlandschap verworven. Haar loopbaan leest als een verzameling van cruciale momenten in de recente Vlaams-Nederlandse theatergeschiedenis sinds 1968. Na haar vroegtijdig overlijden in 2013 denken verschillende instanties dan ook na over haar artistiek, kritisch en wetenschappelijk nalatenschap. Zo ook Anoek [...]

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Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 41, Issue 2, 2023) | Theater & Law

Call for Papers Documenta (Volume 41, Issue 2, 2023) | Theater & Law

Posted by Eline Denolf on 2022-10-07

Documenta: Journal for Theater (Volume 41, Issue 2, 2023)CALL FOR PAPERS: Theater & Law Issue editor: Steff Nellis (Ghent University) In 2017, Swiss director Milo Rau set up a highly influential theatrical trial: The Congo Tribunal. Despite pointing out the fictional status of his tribunal, he expresses a great desire for the collected material to be taken seriously and for his [...]

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Call for Papers Documenta Special Edition | Parliament of Practices

Call for Papers Documenta Special Edition | Parliament of Practices

Posted by Eline Denolf on 2022-10-06

Documenta: Vol. 41, #1Special Edition: Parliament of PracticesCan new epistemologies, tactics and even an ethos emerge from a dialogue between different artists, researchers and other professionals grounded in diverse traditions of praxis and poiesis? How can we open up a process of exchange - grounded, partly, in laboratory theatre - to disciplines beyond the Performing Arts? What might be the [...]

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