Volume 41 • Nummer 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices



Adriana La Selva and Patrick Campbell

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 3–12

Transforming the Past into Presence: in Dialogue with Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley

Adriana La Selva, Patrick Campbell, Eugenio Barba and Julia Varley

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 17–41

"In the Studio" with William Kentridge

Vera Françoise Mihailovich-Dickman and William Kentridge

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 43–65

Dialogue and Repertoire: The Ever-Changing Nature of Walking and Talking Together

Andrea Maciel and Diana Taylor

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 67–89

Shedding light on the Light District : Artistic Processes in and around the Teatro de Contêiner

Vinicius Torres Machado, Lucas Breda, Verônica Lo Turco Gentilin, Dona Carmen and Dentinho

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 91–109

Like the Space In-Between beats : A Dialogue on Dialogues

Marije Nie and Lotte van den Berg

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 111–137

Talking to Myself: A Dialogue Between Practice and Performance

Julia Pond

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 141–157

Unfolding a Series of Suggestions: A Reflection on a publication practice permeated by dialogue

Leonie Persyn

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 159–181

‘Slow Togethering’ as a Tool for Dialogic Development amongst Dance Dramaturgs

Miranda Laurence and Sara Živkovič Kranjc

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 183–201

Looking at Theater Through the Performers' Experiences: Practices of Political Engagement in Teatro do Vestido

Gustavo Vicente

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 203–222

Articulating Architecture: A Speculation with the Joints of Choreography and Architecture in Radouan Mriziga’s 55 and the Palais de la Dynastie (Brussels, Belgium).

Elias D'hollander

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 225–247

Motherhood as Resistance in the Bio-Performance Analfabeta: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Between Biology and Performance

Paulina Bronfman and Alejandra Zúñiga-Feest

2023-11-15 Volume 41 • Issue 1 • 2023 • Parliament of Practices • 249–267